Finance Resources
Explore my curated list of resources and tools to help you excel in your financial journey. From calculators to investment platforms, these tools can assist with smarter decision-making.
Helpful Resources for Investors
Stock Screener
Screen and filter stocks to find the best investment opportunities.
P/E Ratio Calculator
Quickly calculate the price-to-earnings ratio of a stock.
Price-to-Book (P/B) Ratio Calculator
Calculate the price-to-book ratio for your investments.
Dividend Yield Calculator
Estimate the dividend yield for your stocks.
Earnings Growth Calculator
Analyze earnings growth to assess long-term performance.
Investment Portfolio Analyzer
Analyze and optimize your investment portfolio.
Essential Tools for Investing
Empower Personal Capital
Personal finance management platform for tracking net worth and spending.
Free stock analysis and charting tools for investors.
A stock trading and investing platform with no commission fees.
Micro-investing platform that invests your spare change automatically.
M1 Finance
Investment platform for building and managing portfolios.
Advanced trading and investment platform with commission-free trades.
Marketplace for comparing and buying insurance policies.
A secure cryptocurrency exchange for trading digital assets.
A budgeting tool for planning and managing your finances.